Marc 5, 41 « Young lady, stand up. »

In speaking of Jairus' daughter, we enter into the suffering of the world, but we also taste its hope.


« Talitha-Koum » of course is taken from the Bible in the Gospel of Saint Marc 5, 41 ; he came into meditation looking for a name for the site. The name and the vision were clear. I saw myself lying down, helpless, and a figure walks by, holding out his hand to lift me up. The name rang in my mind, I opened the Bible and read the passage about Jairus' daughter, which confirms the name.

We must always be sensitive to the situation of those in need, and try to give them what they need. We must reach out to those who are trying to get back on their feet. We must not be indifferent to the expectations of our neighbors.


Marc 5, 41 « Young lady, stand up. »
In speaking of Jairus' daughter, we enter into the suffering of the world, but we also taste its hope.

Le nom



« Talitha-Koum » of course is taken from the Bible in the Gospel of Saint Marc 5, 41 ; he came into meditation looking for a name for the site. The name and the vision were clear. I saw myself lying down, helpless, and a figure walks by, holding out his hand to lift me up. The name rang in my mind, I opened the Bible and read the passage about Jairus' daughter, which confirms the name.

We must always be sensitive to the situation of those in need, and try to give them what they need. We must reach out to those who are trying to get back on their feet. We must not be indifferent to the expectations of our neighbors.

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« Where does man go? Where his heart calls him.»
Alfred de Musset

Elise Brun

I am a secretary-accountant by training. I am of Senegalese origin and have lived in the United States for 22 years. I've always been sensitive to the precarious situation of a brother and sister.

André Bandiaky

I'm Senegalese, a dentist by training in Senegal and an educator in the United States. My only vision is to be able to help the needy in Senegal if possible.



Our values


The idea of working in the social sector had been in the back of my mind for a long time. But I had to ask myself how and with whom? Life has surprises in store for us, so we have to be true, open, have a goal and, with God's help, achieve it.


« The secret of happiness is to be able to find joy in the joy of others.»

Georges Bernanos


« God does not grant us graces just for ourselves, but so that we may live by his love and serve him to the best of our brothers and sisters as a testimony to his love. »

Myriam Gemma


All humanity is figuratively represented by this little girl whose name is unknown in the Bible. Each of us is Jaire's daughter. We are not better than others, and we are not the saviors of the world. That's just the heart talking. We are not what is interesting, but we can testify to what has happened to us: to have been welcomed, healed, loved for who we are, reached beyond the forbidden and the taboo, touched where we were wounded.

Mission :
Putting the smile back on your face

TALITHA-KOUM wants to stand on the battlefield to give children, girls and women the dignity and courage to take charge of their lives. To speak of children is to speak of women.


Talitha-koum also wants to share her experiences, give advice and help young girls and women develop socially and spiritually, and then be proud to stand up and reach out to others to give freely of what she has received: a warm welcome, a word of advice or encouragement can change a life.

« Many pride themselves on being curious about everything, without being passionate about anything. »

Georges Bernanos


« The one who, by some alchemy, knows how to extract from his heart, and melt back together, compassion, respect, need, patience, regret, surprise and forgiveness creates that atom we call love. »

 Khalil Gibran


 « The demon of my heart is called : What's the point? ? »

Georges Bernanos


You have to know how to look at your demons, ask yourself what paralyzes you, what makes you suffer, what destroys you. For him, it was this question: « What's the point? »

In life, we must never lose hope, for the Lord watches over his children. He has given each of us a mission on earth, and we must carry it out, whatever the difficulties and obstacles we face. So we must often ask ourselves what is my mission on earth, and not say to ourselves: "What is my mission on earth? What's the point? », même si nous nous heurtons à des difficultés, que nous tombons, que nous nous blessons. Dieu nous a créés pour se tenir debout, ayons la force et le courage de nous relever, de continuer la mission car un frère, une sœur nous attend au bord de la route. Il nous faut aussi avoir la foi pour affronter certaines difficultés et ne jamais baisser les bras. 

