Elise Brun

The idea of working for social causes had been in the back of my mind for a long time. But how and with whom? Life is full of surprises, and we need to be open and honest. Then, in a discussion between a spiritual son, André Bandiaky, and me, we shared the same views on several humanitarian aspects and above all on how to help in the social field in Senegal.

I came to Senegal for the openings. André had found an NGO in the USA. He calls me and tells me about the discovery of an American NGO, Orphan Grain Train which helps regardless of race or religion. We had a chat and off we went. 

André was able to obtain information, contacts and exchange emails. The NGO seemed interested, and sent us a form to fill in as an NGO, or else find a partner. Starting an NGO won't be easy at the moment and we thought the best idea was to find a well-known and reliable NGO. Through an acquaintance who made an appointment with the Secretary General of Caritas SénégalAbbé Alphonse Seck. Abbé Alphonse received us within a few days with a warm welcome and was delighted to be able to work with an NGO to help the population. God's hand is not short and his ear not hard, and we see this through this opportunity.

We thank the Lord for this partnership Caritas-Orphan Grain Train and pray that we have all the necessary provisions to do His work.

Orphan Grain Train does not finance but helps materially with clothing, medical supplies, food, Christian literature and other aid to meet real needs.

André Bandiaky

The meeting with OGT (Orphan Grain Train) was very simple. In an effort to provide ongoing, large-scale support to the needy in my home country of Senegal, I was often in conversation with Elise Brun about how to help our brothers and sisters. I set myself the task of finding donors in the USA who were working for a humanitarian cause.

So, in May 2023, inspired by the Holy Spirit, I searched the internet to see if there were any NGOs close to my home, and I found that OGT has an office in Springfield under the direction of Brenda Beacon. I spontaneously went to see her and she welcomed me with professionalism and directed me to the staff of the organization in charge of international aid. I told Elise Brun about it, so that she too could find a reliable humanitarian organization to help. Through an acquaintance, she was able to meet the Secretary General of Caritas-Sénégal who was delighted. Since then, we've been taking the first steps towards Dakar. Brenda, Elise and I work closely together via email and phone calls.

And finally, this project came to fruition and we were able to complete it honourably between Caritas-Sénégal et Orphan Grain Train.
We are delighted with this partnership and look forward to continuing our search for humanitarian organizations to help.

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