Papa Souleymane Diouf
1982 - 2014


If you object to what I'm saying, don't get upset, but just try to listen to me and maybe you'll understand my thinking even if you don't agree with it.


First of all, I'd like to introduce myself: my name is Papa Souleymane Diouf, I'm 30 at the moment and I live in Dakar. The urge to write, what I think came to me on November 24, 2012 in the midst of a total life crisis and the first point I'd like to talk about is "LIFE".


From birth to this moment, I think life is an eternal physical and moral test that we're supposed to understand.

1. First WATER which is vital and sometimes fatal to us, is the first element in which we come to earth in sperm and then in our mothers' wombs, and undoubtedly life begins. This means that water is not unknown to us in all areas. We live in it, we come from it and we die in it, and we all have it in our bodies.


2. The next step is AIR Our first contact with this sphere we call the world. Leaving our mothers' wombs, our first contact with it is the air we breathe, which proves that we are alive and well, and which also means that air is not unknown to us. It's as vital to us as it is fatal, because we live in it, we come in it, we die in it, and we all have it in our bodies.


3. Thirdly, the EARTH which occupies a large part of the world. The earth is where our first steps come from, where we learn to walk and discover new places. The earth that allows us to feed ourselves by working it, the earth that allows us to build our homes. The earth is where we're put when we die, which means it's not unknown to us. We live on it, we work on it, we die on it and we rest on it. So, like the other elements, it is both vital and fatal to us.


4. To finish the FIREA key element in our lives, hence the sun that visits us every day. A vital and fatal element for us. Fire, an element that mankind has mastered for survival. We work with it to find the right materials for our lives, and use it to prepare our food. But its particularity is that, on contact with it, it destroys us partially or entirely, hence its usefulness in punishing us in hell and in this world. It destroys more than all the elements mentioned.


These four elements are the foundations of life. They surround us and sustain us.
Theoretically, we learn to manage these elements in our favor, the first test in relation to our life: firstly, because we're sure they exist, and secondly, because they're inexhaustible and inevitable. We have to!


On that same note when talking about life, I think there's the avoidable and the unavoidable in the aspect of life.

The inevitable, like the 4 elements: eating, feeling, breathing, life and death. The avoidable, like everything man generates out of envy: love, peace, war, joy, etc. And to talk about love, I think that love is relative to lack, because for me, everything we lack, we love, and this will vary according to the degree of emotional or material lack, like a woman or alcohol, or anything that gives us pleasure arouses a lack that leads us to use the word "Love". It's this lack that leads me to think that I love all those who love me, and that makes me say that I love God because he has pleased me so often that I inevitably miss him when things aren't going well.


Man lives for his own benefit, even without knowing it. Love, then, can be avoided by the absence of pleasure, hence the madmen who don't have universal pleasure, like killing your own mother or putting on heavy clothes when it's hot, being naked when it's cold or soiling your own body and not being ashamed of the way you look.


So in relation to the names I've mentioned, avoiding them is often contradictory for some, because man is often uncertain in everything he creates, because he's exhaustible in everything. I think that human beings come into the world with a desire for power, because that's what sustains them, and power in relation to God's men is awarded solely to God, and that's the lie told by many of the Muslims and Christians I know most in my life.


But I think a true man of God goes where everyone else runs.


The mission - the mistake


The best way to repair a lost soul is not to remind it of what it is, which can generate, but to correct it in what leads it astray, through your faith and understanding. And by starting from this principle, you can even manage to correct yourself on certain unknown points. By way of logic, the believer God admires most is the one who, like a physician of the soul, repairs.

 Papa Souleymane Diouf

1982 - 2014
