Pilgrimages in 2017: Lourdes, Mexico, Fatima for the Centenary

I've had to make pilgrimages to give thanks to God for many reasons.

  • I started with Lourdes and I had an unforgettable experience during the rosaries, the torchlight procession and the bathing in the pool that can't be explained, only experienced.
  • Then I went to Mexique to visit the apparition site of Our Lady of Guadeloupe, another spiritual experience on the life of the young seer Juan Diego.
  • And finally Centenary de Fatima.


ND de Fatima en Octobre 2017

I still experienced unimaginable things as I went through the penitential and forgiveness process on my knees on the way to the Grotto. I attended all the masses and torchlight processions during my 10-day stay, culminating on October 13. On that day, it was difficult to see within a meter of each other, and the procession of the Virgin Mary, which began in the clouds, ended in beautiful sunshine, just like the day of the apparition to the young shepherds, with the sun dancing.

A fact: after my penance on my knees, I attended the last mass before returning to my hotel, and as I undressed, I felt pain in my knees. My pants were stuck to the wounds on my knees, and strangely enough, I hadn't felt a thing all day during the pilgrimage. The next day, I had to stop at the chemist's to buy an antiseptic. I went to give thanks to God at the Grotto in front of the Virgin Mary, because I felt that I had just experienced a real pilgrimage of penance, forgiveness and peace, even though I had made a pilgrimage in 2000.



Sighted Museum

Church of the visionaries

Tante de Sr. Lucie

Last modified: 30 July 2023

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